November is stomach cancer awareness month, which is very ironic considering it is one of the months with the most focus on and being known for the pleasure of eating, especially around Thanksgiving! This month also helps to raise awareness about gastric cancers. November can be one of the most challenging months for people with gastric cancers, and other stomach-involved illnesses because they cannot eat and enjoy food as many people do. For some, living without a stomach means that eating by mouth may never happen again.

In 2010, organizations came together with the Surgeon General to commit to making November dedicated to stomach and gastric cancers, with a heavy emphasis on knowing your family history and hereditary risk factors for this disease. The statistics show that stomach and gastric cancers are on the rise, which is why there is a critical need to help raise awareness and spread the facts about this cancer. Here is a brief history after the creation of Stomach Cancer Awareness month.

  • In 2010, the No Stomach for Cancer organization worked with the United States Senate which resulted in resolution S.Res.655, which states that November is now National Stomach Cancer Awareness month in the United States.
  • In 2011, the organization made printable awareness materials and began hosting local events to raise funds and knowledge.
  • By 2012, world-wide events were being created and hosted everywhere, resulting in the first global event which was a walk to raise awareness about stomach cancer. People were represented from thirty-five states in the US, and over ten countries from around the world.
  • To date, the No Stomach for Cancer organization continues to grow and thrive with many new events worldwide, and numerous other partnered relationships helping to further the awareness campaigns and raise the funds needed to find a cure. The NSFC holds the United States Trademark registration for ‘Stomach Cancer Awareness Month.’

No Stomach for Cancer has goals for the month every year. Some of their goals are:

  • To raise awareness and support efforts to educate people about stomach cancer, including risk factors, prevention and early detection including the signs and symptoms.
  • To recognize the need for additional funding and research into early diagnosis and treatment for stomach cancer and other gastric cancers.
  • To raise funds for stomach and gastric cancer research studies.
  • To encourage people and interested groups and organizations to observe and support this important month dedicated to stomach cancer awareness through appropriate programs and activities to promote awareness of, and potential treatments for, stomach and gastric cancers.
  • To empower everyone by bringing together the caring power of groups of people worldwide affected by stomach and gastric cancers.

Many doctors and specialists believe that knowledge is power and knowing the signs and symptoms to watch out for could help to save a life; maybe yours.

These are the signs and symptoms of stomach and gastric cancer:

  • Poor appetite
  • Weight loss without diet or explanation
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vague discomfort in the abdomen, usually above the navel
  • A sense of fullness in the upper abdomen after eating a small meal
  • Heartburn or indigestion on a regular basis
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting, with or without blood
  • Swelling or fluid build-up in the abdomen
  • Blood in the stool
  • Low red blood cell count

While these symptoms are more than likely caused by things other than cancer, like a stomach virus or an ulcer. They may happen with other types of cancer. People who have any of these problems, especially if they do not go away or get worse, should check with their doctor so the cause can be found and treated.

How can you help?

Each November do something that helps to raise awareness about stomach and gastric cancers! You can participate in a variety of ways, in a variety of events or opportunities to help raise funds and awareness. Here are just some of the ways you can help! For a complete list, visit the NSFC web site.

  • Engage with the NSFC Facebook page or another website that offers information about stomach and gastric cancers. Share their information on to your own personal pages to share with your friends and family.
  • When using social media platforms, use the hashtags: #NSFC2019 #NSFC or #NationalStomachCancerAwarenessMonth in your posts to help others link all posts about this topic together with the swift click of the words.
  • Communicate with others about stomach and gastric cancers when you are at local businesses, churches, groups and more.
  • Change your Facebook profile picture to include a frame for Stomach Cancer Awareness month.
  • Attending a local event to raise awareness and funds for finding a cure.
  • Create your own local event to help raise funds for research and finding a cure.
  • Participate in the annual worldwide event sponsored by No Stomach for Cancer.
  • Share your own personal story of your battle with stomach or gastric cancer with friends, family and strangers.
  • Order and show your sign for National Stomach Cancer Awareness month in your yard, or at your business.

With many medical advancements, there are now numerous treatments for stomach cancer. If you are experiencing any of these listed symptoms for longer than two weeks, you should consult your physician without delay. Understanding the risk factors for stomach cancer and knowing how to change your life to reflect these risks can help you to lower your overall risk for any cancer. By getting routine health care and testing done, you can utilize the benefits of early detection and continue living your life for many years to come.


American Cancer Society

National Institutes of Health and Human Services

No Stomach for Cancer dot com